Thursday, March 5, 2009

Liars, cheaters and the eternally confused oh my!

I finally realized that I'm constantly attracting the ultimate bachelor. He's the guy who likes you one day, and forgets you the next. He's the guy who profusely verbalizes and acts out his feelings for you, so you totally think he's into you. But really, he's just playing the game. He's dashing and charming. He's your knight in shining armor until he's gone without an explanation.

I don't want to sound like a bitter and heartbroken single tart (because I'm really not), but i guess it's too late now. Anyways, Mr. Wonderful sweeps me off my feet. It's all nice in the beginning-the flirting and the witty banter. He likes me. I like him. Why can't we just go from there? But that's where the problem begins. Once something tangible happens like moving forward, he suddenly stops calling me and slowly but surely disappears as if he were a very elaborate dream. After my routine phase of "Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them." I wonder what happened to him. What? When? Where? Why??????? and sometimes How? He's the ultimate bachelor, but I don't think he even knows it.

Perhaps my friend is right, "Guys are stupid, and women are crazy!" I don't have a clue, and neither does he. Why do we do the things we do? For the chance of love? I believe in love despite all my cynicism and occasional bitterness, but it doesn't come easy. Love happens, and when it does, it's magical.

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