Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Love love looooooooooooooooooove. All you need is love. This is not an entry about the loveliness of love. Rather the reality we come face to face with at some point or multiple points in our lives-- heart breakers are out there...beware! Getting your heart broken is just part of life, but how many times do we have to endure it before we meet someone who will stay? Is it all a game? Don't come off too strong. Don't make yourself too available because it'll make you seem desperate, needy and clingy. Don't tell each other how you really feel when you feel it especially if it's too early on in your "relationship." Don't be too communicative about your feelings. Don't mention labels. Why are there so many unspoken "rules" that seem to dictate a functional "relationship"? It shouldn't be that hard. Guys are weird, but I'm sure guys think gals are equally confusing.

There are a lot of "good guys" out there, and I've met some of them and dated them. But a good guy doesn't equate him to be a good boyfriend. Being a good boyfriend or girlfriend takes practice, and it doesn't happen over night. But if you want to be good for someone, you will be. So I can't stand those cop-out expressions, "I'm not good for you," or "You deserve better." Why not be good or better for me then? The real reason is he's just not that into me, and he's too much of a coward to say what he really feels. It's even worse, if he's felt this way for who knows how long and drags on a half-hearted relationship with you until finally, he realizes you're in love with him and he has to get out immediately. Why is it so scary to be committed to someone? I guess the answer consistently boils down to whether or not he's really into you. Because no matter how much time you want to spend with him or how long you want to talk to him or tell him how much you love him, he won't run away if he's really into you. He'll probably still be scared, but he'll be grounded enough to know what he has and smart enough to hang on to you as long as he can.

Bad guys break your heart, but the good guys can catch you by surprise and completely rip your heart into pieces. Heart breakers come in nice guy, good guy, shy guy, romantic guy, any guy. Finding that guy who will stay and want to make you happy is one of the greatest journeys in life. Without heartbreaks, we wouldn't know how sweet love can feel like. Afterall, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour.

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